Hi mina,
i have to say you something, count dracula is not the man i though, do you remember the book you gave me that talk about stories of Transilvanya? well, i think he is a vampire!, yes, it is terrible, he is using me to buy a house in England! i think he want to kill me, i feel like prisioner in his castle.
He have a very nice home, it's a castle very strange and very old.
The other morning, i was using a mirror, when he suddenly appeared. i was very surprised, because i didn't saw him in it. I am alone, i want to be with you, i need you. i am very afraid, i think he have strange powers.
The other day i was in the castle, and i oppened a door. there were three women and they tried to attak me. I faint. There appeared Count Dracula and said: stop, he is mine!
well mina, i love you , try to help me,
Jou, you love..
(Jonathan Harter).

1 comentario:
Nice work and nice picure!Check I..., have to tell you...,He wants to ...,He has a very nice house...,it's a very strange and very old castle...,I didn't see him...,I fainted...,
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